How to best navigate over-the-counter hearing aids

2 min readOct 31, 2022


Americans should lean on audiologists to develop them into more informed consumers writes Dr. Kathleen Wallace, Tuned’s head of provider education

An assortment of OTC hearing aids on a greenish background

The emergence of over-the-counter hearing aids has been closely watched by audiologists for years. They are familiar with the technology being implemented, the features most desired by patients, the basic care and maintenance of such devices, and the strategies needed to maximize one’s benefit with hearing technology. As such, consumers should utilize audiologists as hearing technology consultants, building the skill set needed to be able to manage one’s hearing independently.

Unless you use hearing aids or care for someone who does, you’ve likely never touched a device, put one in your ear, heard the sound quality, located the battery door, changed a wax guard, or even know what that is. And while none of these individuals are necessarily difficult tasks, they don’t tend to come naturally. They take some training and practice, often under the supervision of an audiologist who can quickly offer tips or new strategies if needed. In addition, audiologists can offer communication strategies, ways to optimize your environment for better communication, and how to customize hearing devices and accessories to your liking. They can also educate you on safe listening habits and ways to protect your current hearing sensitivity.

At Tuned, our team of audiologists is here to guide your device selection process, transparently reviewing both the good and the bad, and identifying ways to best address your hearing needs. After just one visit, you’ll feel more prepared to take on your hearing health, knowing you first consulted with an expert. With that, you’ll get more than a device; you’ll get a better understanding of how to leverage such technology along with communication strategies to get you on your way to better hearing.




Written by Tuned

Committed to bringing hearing health to all.

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